Sunday, February 13, 2011


Lecture: Cunong Suraja
Imas safitri
Chapter I
A. Background
Writing is one of the skills that plays an important role in teaching English in our country. Teachers are demanded to teach English as interestingly as possible to students. A creative teacher will find a way to create a positive learning atmoshpere in order that the students are not bored to listen to the teachers explanation. It is clear that one of the problems faced by the teacher in teaching is how to motivate students through an effective way. One of the ways to motivate students in learning is teaching through audiovisual. Audiovisual will make them interested in learning.
According to stempleksi (1990: 11) “ lesson with video should be enjoyable and should provide even mediocre students with a genuine sense of achievement”. It means that teaching through audio visual can make the students feel their interest quicken when language is experienced in a lively way. The combination of moving pictures and sound can present language more comprehensively and more realistically than any other teaching medium.
In addition, we can note that teaching writing through audiovisual must be intrinsically interesting or attractive and must comprise a complete unit of meaning regardless of its context. Arnold ( 1988:70) says,
The visual features of spoken language are facial expression, gestures, body movement and proximity. In addition there are any other supra segmental features such as voice quality, intination, stress, pause and so on which writing some what in adequately tries to indicate with graphic features such as paragraphing punctuation, underlining, question marks, italics etc.
B. Reasons for choosing the topic
In general, teaching writing needs students attention. It can be achieved throuhg audiovisual. Stempleski ( 1990:11) says, “ students feel their interest quicken when language is experienced in a lively way through television or video. Using audio visual sequence in the class is the next best thing to experiencing the squence in real life”. According to this quotation, the writer finds that writing is an interesting topic discuss. The writer wants to prove whether students can achieve writing skill through audiovisual easier.
1. The Audiovisual as Media
Teaching and learning process are basically communicative process. It must be created through delivering activity and exchanging instruction or information. It covers knowledge, skills, ideas, and experiences and so on. For the communication itself the teacher needs media.
Gagne and Briggs (1975) in Arsyad (2003: 4) says,
Media pembelajaran meliputi alat yang secara fisik digunakan untuk menyampaikan isi materi pengajaran, yang terdiri dari antara lain buku, tape recorder, kaset, video camera, video recorder, film, slide, foto, gambar, grafik, televise, dan computer.
In teaching learning, process we know that there are many kinds of teaching techniques, one of them is the audio visual. Sterm (1982:466) says, “The principle feature of the audio-visual method is a visually presented scenario provides the chief means of involving the learner in meaningful utterances and contexts”.
Djamarah and Zain (1996:33) classify media as follows:
a. Audio
The media has capacity use only sound. For example: radio, cassette recorder, etc.
b. Visual
The media has capacity use only eyesight. For example: photo, painting, strip, slides, chart, flash card, etc.
c. Audio- visual
Audio- visual is the complete media because both audio and visual are
used in the class. For example: television, film, sound, video, and recording.
Based on this statement, media especially audio-visual is an instrument that can make the lesson more interesting for students. The media that the writer uses in her research is audio- visual, because in her opinion, the best way for the teacher is to invite the students to use their all five senses in order to get a good result.
2. The Functions of Audio- visual
In implementing a teaching learning process, a teacher must have an idea to make instructional materials as the beginning communication with the students. That is why, in arranging instructional materials, the teacher should observe some elements which can support the process and the purpose of communication. This means that the process of communication can be effective and efficient when the teacher has known about the function of audio visual. The function of audio-visual is to help students understand the lesson better.
Levie and Lentz (1982) in Arayad (2003:16) state four function of visual media.
a. Attention Function
It forms core that is interesting and aimed the student’s attention to concentrate to the lesson with visual purpose which showed or followed the text.
b. Affective function
Visual media can be seen from enjoyment student’s level when they study (or read), the picture text, example: information which relate to the social or race problem.
c. Cognitive function
Visual media can be seen from research which revealed that visual symbol or pictures accelerate achieving the aims to understand the information or message which are contained in pictures.
d. Compensatory function
Teaching media can be seen from the result of research that visual media which giving context to understand the text can help the weak students in reading or organize information in text and rethinking.
In the other hand, media of teaching have some functions to accommodate the weak and low students to take and understand the content of the lesson.
3. Basic technique for using video
Below is a selection of these basic techniques for less experienced teachers to familiarize themselves quickly with some of the things they can do with video before trying technique.
a. Sound off/vision (Silent Viewing)
This technique can be used either to stimulate language activity about what is seen on the screen (rather than what is being said) or to focus on what is being said, by a variety of guessing/prediction task.
b. Sound On/Vision off
Student guesses the setting, action, characters, etc, from the soundtrack. This can be done in variety of ways as in item a.
c. Pause/Freeze-Frame Control With sound on, pausing at the initial point of each exchange, teacher asks students to predict the words. Immediate comparison with the actual words can be made by playing each exchange. With sound on, pausing at strategic points in the plot/action, teacher asks students questions about the situation (what has happened/what is going to happen) Pause at suitable moments of characters’ facial expressions for students to suggest thoughts, feelings, etc.
d. Sound and Vision on
e. Jumbling sequences
Students view act section of a sequence which presented to them out of sequence. They have to determine what has happened/what will happen in each case then fit the section into a correct or plausible sequence.
B. Writing
1. Teaching Writing
We know that writing that writing is one of the language skills. In teaching writing, a teacher needs a variety of techniques to motivate their students. The students will be bored if they learn writing without variations. Student’s interest is one main factor to achieve the goal of teaching learning of English. The loss of their interest may be caused by interesting presentation of the teacher.
Nunan ( 1991: 88) states, “writing skills can developed rapidly when students concerns and interest are acknowledge, when they are encourage to become participants in a community of writers”. it means that the teacher should investigate their own practices, and the effects of those practices on their students, and the teacher should find it to be an excellent way to bridging the gap between theory and practices.
In general, it is best to introduce English through listening and speaking first, then reading, and writing last. it is important to evaluate the needs and abilities of our own students.
Writing is more than the simple mechanic of getting the words down, it also involves being creative, spelling, grammar, punctuation, choice of appropriate words, sentence linking, and text construction and for students, having ideas about content, and the ability to be self and to edit their own work. The students learn some of these skills when they learn writing in their some of these skills when they learn writing in their first language, but others have to be taught explicitly in the English class.
According to Finacchiaro ( 1973: 131-132), there are some pointers in writing activities, students may:
a) Copy model sentences, dialogue or anything that has been spoken or read.
b) Answer a series of specific question on any activity or on a reading passage. Wherever possible, the questions should be in logical sequence so that the answer will constitute a well- formed passage.
c) write out in full pattern practice sentences they have practice orally
d) Complete a series related sentences. the completed sentences will contribute a short composition
e) Write a summary of material which has been read.
Although the writing and the oral skill are combined in the classroom and on clearly benefits from the other, writing has certain characteristics which seem to make it difficult for students to get to grips with, especially for younger students: We cant make the same use of body language, intonation, tone, eye contact, and all the others features which help you to convey meaning when you talk. Very little when we write is concerned with the here and now, which is where many young students exist for a lot of the time. Exercises which reflect the student’s world help to bridge this gap. Many students take a long time to master the skill of writing. if the teacher can occasionally type out the students work it really does help those who are struggling with the mechanics of writing. The last comment reflects the fact that writing in a foreign language is all too often associated with correcting errors. Handwriting, grammar and spelling and punctuation are often given priority over content. if we try to make students writing meaningful from the start, with the emphasis on content, the errors can be corrected and rewritten in cooperation with the teacher.
2. Developing Writing
There are three main types of writing tasks in this study:
1) Functional writing tasks (writing letters, essays, reports, etc.). Which students may well need to carry out in real- life situations, including examinations. Activities help students construct written texts to conventional guidelines to produce clear and effective products.
2) Creative writing task. students use their imagination, draw on their entire resource of language and have the opportunity to express in writing what
they really want to say.
3) Guided practice of target language items. These written exercises are the opportunities for practicing the grammatical and vocabulary items that are taught in each unit. They occur mainly in the Workbook and can either be done in class at appropriate points in the unit, or as homework.
3. Teaching writing using Audio visual
Motivating interest is one factor to achieve the goal of teaching learning process. The teacher should be creative to find materials of writing. Of course it should not be beyond the students’ knowledge, for example writing about their family, daily activity, hobby, etc. using audio-visual in writing can motivate students because students will get information on what they should write or tell in relation to the video then they will get an interest to develop their ideas.
Garret ( 1994:53) says, “ using visual aids, chart, pictures, motion- picture, film, television, are all useful as means of creating interest, holding and on living the presentation of new material.. “ it means that teaching writing by using media, the students will pay more attention to what the teacher explains, it will develop students motivation in learning. So the students are easy to be able to understand rules well and to be able to use them appropriately.
By using audio- visual the teacher can make the students get a clear description about what they have to write, but sometimes they still have difficulty an arranging the sentences. In this case the teacher should help the students. The teacher can give them some instructions through sequence questions to stimulate their ideas, because the students are still depending on the model to express their own ideas in writing.
The teacher are often tempted to view writing tasks as individual activities that take place outside the classroom, partly because of the practical problems caused by some students working faster that other. It is, however, often bet for writing to be done, or at least started, in class rather that at home, so that we can monitor the work and provide encouragement. Possible modes for classroom writing are as follows: Students write alone Students write in pairs, with one student writing and the other making suggestion, collecting information, using a dictionary to check vocabulary. Students work in small groups, with one student writing and the others helping.
lesson with video should be enjoyable and should provide even mediocre students with a genuine sense of achievement”. It means that teaching through audio visual can make the students feel their interest quicken when language is experienced in a lively way. The principle feature of the audio-visual method is a visually presented scenario provides the chief means of involving the learner in meaningful utterances and contexts”.
using visual aids, chart, pictures, motion- picture, film, television, are all useful as means of creating interest, holding and on living the presentation of new material.. “It means that teaching writing by using media, the students will pay more attention to what the teacher explains, it will develop student’s motivation in learning. So the students are easy to be able to understand rules well and to be able to use them appropriately.
The visual features of spoken language are facial expression, gestures, body movement and proximity. In addition there are any other supra segmental features such as voice quality, intination, stress, pause and so on which writing some what in adequately tries to indicate with graphic features such as paragraphing punctuation, underlining, question marks, italics etc.
A. Conclusion
After conducting the research on investigating the influence of teaching English through audio- visual in relation to students writing ability, it proves that audio visual is useful to improve students on learning writing. By using audio visual, the students can easily arrange or write sentences through watching thing, people or the activities lively. It also proves that the previous hypothesis in doing the research is true.
In teaching learning process, a teacher plays an important role to fulfill the student’s need, so they have to create the suitable technique to teach. Teaching English by using audio- visual is one of the teaching techniques. This technique proves that ii is useful for the teacher.
In addition, the writer can conclude that teaching English by using audio- visual can attract the student’s interest because basically they like watching film. But of course, not all schools can afford these teaching aids; therefore the teachers have to create a positive learning atmosphere in the other ways.
B. Suggestions
Finally, the writer tries to give the novice researcher who is going to conduct the similar research some suggestions:
1. The selection of the material must be more accurate. It must be appropriate to the level of the students’ ability. It means that the vocabulary, sentences, must not be too difficult for them.
2. The researcher should be more careful in choosing the suitable aids and material.
3. To have a good result, the time of that test should be arranged more carefully because the students are from the different classes and schedule in English lesson. It is intended in order to make this research not disturb their timetable.
Arnold, Edward. (1988). At the Chalkface. Singapore: Closet Private Ltd.
Arsyad, Azhar. (2003). Media pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada
Kemps, Jerrold. (1980). Planning and Producing Audio Visual Materials. New York: Harper and Row Inc.
Legucke. Michael and Thomas, Howard. (1991). Procces and Experience in The Language Classroom. London: Longman Group Ltd.
Reid M, Joy. (1994). The Procces of Paragraphing Writing. New jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.
Stempleski, Susan. (1983). Video in Action. New York: Prentice Hall International Ltd.
Strem, H. H ( 1983). Fundamental Concept of Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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