Saturday, February 12, 2011

Final Exam

Name : Siti Nurjanah
NPM : 09211210828
Class : PBI / 3 A
Final Exam
Everyone will have different thoughts when they heard the words final exam. Most of the students will feel nervous and afraid of it. Some students maybe will be stressful, but some also will be ready for it. Actually, final exam is not a scary thing. It is only the way of our teacher or lecturer to know how much we have learnt. If we prepare ourselves well, we will ready for it. Honestly, I feel a bit nervous, because I will have my final exam of third semester in next two weeks. I think that I have not prepared myself very well. I have enough time to prepare, but one most common thing in the worldoften happen to me, a laziness. I do not understand why it always comes to me. The final exam is heading me now, but I still feel nothing to do. It is very dangerous for me though. However everyone knows this thing. Laziness is a hard disease to heal. In the final exam, everyone have to fight the laziness to prepare for it. I wish I can do my final exam well, but not for the score. I do not really think about it, because I just want to know how much I have learnt for 6 months learning.

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